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07 Feb 2022

Leading in a crisis: workshops for senior and strategic leaders in social care and social work

We are working with colleagues at the Scottish Government to deliver two new workshops supporting senior and strategic leaders working in social care and social work.

Leadership Your learning

04 Feb 2022

NQSW Supported Year progress update

Some newly qualified social workers (NQSW) have now started their supported year at early implementation sites around Scotland.

Your learning

02 Feb 2022

Online safety and security workshops

What do you think about when you hear the words cyber security? People often think about technical things and the responsibility for keeping everyone safe and secure online lies with the IT department. However, you can help protect your organisation and the people who use your service.

Your learning

01 Feb 2022

New induction resource for adult social care

As part of Scottish Government’s Programme for Government (PfG) commitment to develop a national induction framework for new entrants to adult social care, the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) and NHS Education Scotland (NES) are working in collaboration with Scottish Government and key partners. The new framework will also support workers moving between employers or undertaking different roles. The full programme will be delivered by the end of spring 2022.

Your learning

01 Dec 2021

Workshops on grief and loss to manage your wellbeing

The Scottish Government has teamed up with bereavement specialists, Cruse Scotland, to offer a series of pilot workshops for people working in adult social care and social work to manage their wellbeing through these difficult times.

Your learning

30 Nov 2021

MyLearning celebrates first birthday

November marks one year since we launched our MyLearning app. To celebrate, we reflect on its overwhelming success, the journey so far and look forward to what is coming next for MyLearning.

Your learning

11 Nov 2021

Coaching for Wellbeing – boost for winter

The Coaching for Wellbeing service is being boosted during winter to support the workforce during seasonal pressures. It’s free and available for all health and social service workers as part of the National Wellbeing Hub.

Social service workforce Your learning

20 Sep 2021

Staying safe and secure online

The impact of COVID-19 has seen many organisations adapting to the flexibility of working from home and their workplace. With restrictions easing, this way of working will evolve, with some organisations introducing a more flexible method of working between home and work.

Your learning

01 Sep 2021

Evaluation of an Advanced Skills Module for social work in Scotland

We have published the evaluation into the Advanced Skills Module for social work in Scotland which was developed as part of our COVID-19 contingency measures to support social work programmes and social work students.

Your learning

30 Aug 2021

Early implementation of NQSW Supported Year

As part of the current phase of the NQSW national project in Scotland, we completed a grant application process to support small-scale early implementation of the newly qualified social worker (NQSW) Supported Year. 

Your learning

20 Aug 2021

Apply now for a subscription to the Leadership Live resource

You are invited to apply for a one-year subscription to Leadership Live, a resource that complements the SSSC’s Step into Leadership resources.

Leadership Your learning