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07 Jun 2024

SSSC registration has changed

On Monday 3 June 2024, the changes to SSSC registration came into effect.

SSSC Codes of Practice SSSC registration Your learning

07 May 2024

Minister launches new Codes for social service workforce

The Minister for Children, Young People and Keeping The Promise, Natalie Don MSP, has launched the revised SSSC Codes of Practice for Social Service Workers and Employers during a visit to an early years’ service in Edinburgh.

SSSC Codes of Practice

01 May 2024

Your new SSSC Codes of Practice

The revised SSSC Codes of Practice for Social Service Workers and Employers (the Codes) come into effect from today, 1 May 2024.

SSSC Codes of Practice

15 Feb 2024

Next steps for the revised Codes

We’re in the final stages of the Codes of Practice review. Over the past two years, we gathered feedback and ideas from registrants, employers, learning providers, people experiencing care and other key stakeholders.

SSSC Codes of Practice Professional standards

31 Jan 2024

New fitness to practise data report

A new data report by the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) provides an insight into its role in protecting the public by ensuring the registered workforce is trusted, skilled and fit to practise.

Professional standards Workforce data SSSC Codes of Practice

04 Dec 2023

Get ready for changes to the Register

Following our consultation in 2022 we’re preparing for changes to our Register and here’s what you need to know.

SSSC registration SSSC Codes of Practice

13 Jul 2023

Answering your questions about our future proofing changes

We know registrants and employers have lots of questions about how the Future Proofing Programme (FPP) changes affect them, so we’ve answered some of them in our FPP FAQs.

SSSC registration SSSC Codes of Practice

14 Apr 2023

Tell us what you think of the revised Codes in our consultation

Now is the time to tell us what you think about the revised SSSC Codes of Practice for Social Service Workers and Employers (the Codes) as we launch our consultation today (14 April). All the responses will help us finalise the revised Codes to make sure they support your practice and professionalism and are fit for the future.

Consultations and surveys SSSC Codes of Practice

17 Nov 2022

Thank you for joining the Codes Conversation

Thanks to everyone who took part in our Codes Conversation over the past few months, we received feedback from more than 400 people which will help us for the next phase of the Codes Review.

SSSC Codes of Practice

29 Jul 2022

The Codes of Practice are changing, join the conversation

We want to hear your views and ideas on what kind of Codes you’d like to support your practice and professionalism. What they would they say and what would they look like?

SSSC Codes of Practice