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25 Sep 2023

Introducing return to practice requirements for social workers

We’re introducing return to practice requirements for social workers and want to hear your views on the proposed requirements in our consultation.

Consultations and surveys Your learning

25 Sep 2023

Continuous professional learning is changing. Tell us what you think.

We are changing the requirements for continuous professional learning (CPL) for registrants and want to hear from you as the people it matters to most.

Consultations and surveys Your learning

24 Jul 2023

Get the guidance in your pocket

Health and social care staff will always have the latest infection prevention and control (IPC) guidance in their pocket thanks to a new app launched today.

Your learning Social service workforce

28 Jun 2023

Safeguarding social service organisations: the importance of cyber security

As technology evolves, so do the methods cybercriminals use. Police Scotland recently released figures showing a 68% increase in fraud since 2018. There were 17,000 fraud cases recorded last year, the majority of those were online.

Your learning

22 Jun 2023

New videos to help with your supervision conversations

We have produced five short videos to help managers and workers in social services make the most of and benefit from supervision.

Leadership Your learning

21 Apr 2023

New resource to improve the quality of outcomes for people who use services

We’ve produced a quality improvement (QI) learning resource to help you improve the quality of outcomes for people who use services. 

Your learning

19 Apr 2023

Understanding Positive Behaviour Support ebook

We are pleased to launch a new Understanding Positive Behaviour Support learning resource developed in partnership with the Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) Community of Practice.

Your learning

17 Mar 2023

Meeting qualification conditions

You don’t need a qualification to start working in social care or children and young people services as we can register you with a qualification condition. However, it’s important you do work towards it and keep in touch with us.

SSSC registration Your learning

17 Mar 2023

Residential childcare fitness to practise cases

We receive proportionately more fitness to practise referrals about workers in residential childcare more than any other part of our Register. Here we share some data about this and resources to help support you in your practice.

Professional standards Your learning

17 Mar 2023

Fitness to practise cases

Of the 166,745 people on our Register only 1.13% of registrants currently have a case being considered by our Fitness to Practise Department.

Professional standards Your learning

18 Jan 2023

More than £1 million for workforce training

Seventy-five voluntary organisations across Scotland are benefitting from grants totalling more than £1 million to help social care workers gain qualifications, the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) announced today.

Your learning SSSC registration

05 Sep 2022

New 23 Things Early Learning and Childcare Leadership resource

We have launched our new 23 Things Early Learning and Childcare Leadership resource which is specifically for people working with children.

Your learning Leadership