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9 items found

13 Jun 2024

National Occupational Standards (NOS) Review 2024/25

We are working with partners across the UK to review the National Occupational Standards (NOS) for Health and Social Care and Childcare learning and development.

Consultations and surveys Professional standards Social service workforce

25 Sep 2023

Introducing return to practice requirements for social workers

We’re introducing return to practice requirements for social workers and want to hear your views on the proposed requirements in our consultation.

Consultations and surveys Your learning

25 Sep 2023

Continuous professional learning is changing. Tell us what you think.

We are changing the requirements for continuous professional learning (CPL) for registrants and want to hear from you as the people it matters to most.

Consultations and surveys Your learning

14 Apr 2023

Tell us what you think of the revised Codes in our consultation

Now is the time to tell us what you think about the revised SSSC Codes of Practice for Social Service Workers and Employers (the Codes) as we launch our consultation today (14 April). All the responses will help us finalise the revised Codes to make sure they support your practice and professionalism and are fit for the future.

Consultations and surveys SSSC Codes of Practice

06 Sep 2022

Survey – What would a good and effective voice in the workplace look like for you?

We’re working with the Scottish Government and other organisations including employers and trade unions in progressing fair work in social care and we’d like to hear your views on what ‘good and effective voice’ would look like for you.

Consultations and surveys

08 Jun 2022

A Register for the future – consultation response

Thank you to everyone who responded to our consultation on proposals to streamline and improve registration. These proposals are part of our Future Proofing Programme and include changes to the Register, our processes and the qualifications we accept for registration.

Consultations and surveys

20 Dec 2021

Consultation on a Register for the future

The Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) is seeking views on their plans to create a Register for the future in a consultation launched today. They are proposing changes to the Register, processes and the qualifications accepted for registration.

Consultations and surveys

02 Nov 2021

SSSC’s response to the National Care Service consultation

The Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) says responsibility for social work and social care qualifications must remain within its remit to ensure regulation remains independent. This is one of the main points of the SSSC response to the Scottish Government’s National Care Service consultation.

SSSC corporate Consultations and surveys

30 Aug 2021

National Care Service consultation

Scottish Government Minister for Mental Wellbeing and Social Care, Kevin Stewart MSP, has written an open letter to SSSC registrants inviting them to respond to the National Care Service consultation.

Consultations and surveys