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16 Oct 2024

Your learning Consultations and surveys

National Induction Framework (NIF) – update, survey and focus groups

In summer, we told you about the work NHS Education for Scotland (NES) and the SSSC are doing to develop a new National Induction Framework for Adult Social Care staff.

Since then, we’ve been working with various stakeholders to identify where we should host the NIF and how we can provide an electronic record of completion that people working in the care sector can take with them when they move to a new employer. We have also been looking at what areas of learning we should include in the National Induction Framework, and we’ve written a set of learning outcomes and quality criteria that the content we use must meet.

Our aim is to create a National Induction Learning Zone that will host the content of the NIF and signpost to other useful resources, as well as a portable record that shows employers you have successfully completed the national induction.

Give us your views

As induction is an important first step in the learning and development of new workers and we want to make sure that the content is right. We’ve been talking to individual organisations about their approach to induction and researching what other countries do. We’ve also considered things like the current national occupational standards and continuous professional learning framework. 

From this work, we have identified a range of learning areas that could be part of the National Induction Framework. We would now like to engage more widely with the sector to make sure that the content will meet the needs of our workforce. 

We’re undertaking a special kind of survey called a Delphi Consensus Process. This type of survey helps to build an understanding of what experts (in this case people working in the social care sector) think should be part of a national induction.

Who can respond?

This survey is for owners, managers and learning and development staff.

How do I participate?

The link below will take you to the survey where you will be invited to rank each area that could be part of the content of a national induction. You’ll also be able to tell us if you think there are any gaps and provide any other feedback you think is important.

Take the survey here.

The closing date for the survey is Friday 1 November 2024.

Take part in a focus group

We would like to bring together experienced and new workers to look at the proposed national induction and help us make sure that the learning experience is one that is supportive, enjoyable and comprehensive.

To do this we’re hosting focus groups with workers. The first focus group will take place on 9 December at 2.00pm on MS Teams.

To take part, please contact us at by Monday 2 December.

Contact information

Sandra Wilson
Communications Officer
Scottish Social Services Council