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Maree Allison Interim Chief Executive, Scottish Social Services Council, Natalie Don MSP, Minister for Children, Young People and Keeping the Promise at Smilechildcare Under 3s service, Edinburgh

07 May 2024

SSSC Codes of Practice

Minister launches new Codes for social service workforce

The Minister for Children, Young People and Keeping The Promise, Natalie Don MSP, has launched the revised SSSC Codes of Practice for Social Service Workers and Employers during a visit to an early years’ service in Edinburgh.

Meeting staff and children at the Smilechildcare Under 3s service, Ms Don said she was delighted to launch the new Codes that set out the standards required of workers and their employers.

Professional standards

She said:

‘The updated Codes set out clearly the standards of practice and behaviour expected of everyone working in social services in Scotland.

‘The Codes now have a greater focus on relationships, staff wellbeing and trauma informed practice. They will play an important role in our ongoing work to Keep the Promise, by making sure they support kind and compassionate care that respects the rights of individuals.’


SSSC Interim Chief Executive Maree Allison said:

‘We’re very pleased the Minister agreed to launch the revised Codes. The Codes are important in protecting individuals who use services, lets them know what they can expect of workers and provides reassurance that workers and employers must meet professional standards.

‘We heard from many workers, employers and members of the public while reviewing the Codes over the past two years. They told us what they thought was most important and we’ve reflected their views in the revised Codes.’

Care Inspectorate Chief Executive, Jackie Irvine said:

‘Scotland's social service staff are critical in ensuring the care experienced by people across all settings is of a standard they have a right to expect.

‘We would encourage all care service providers to familiarise themselves with these newly updated Codes and to reflect on how they can support their staff to commit to and deliver on the principles they uphold.

‘Everyone in the sector has a role to play in ensuring people experience high quality, person-centred care and the Codes are an important part of that.’

Alison Young, manager of Smilechildcare Under 3s said:

‘The Codes are important to our staff in their day-to-day practice, setting clear standards for them to work to, so we were delighted to welcome Ms Don here for the launch.’

The Codes

The Codes, alongside the Health and Social Care Standards, are an important part of regulating and improving the quality of care or support individuals experience.

All social service employers and workers make a commitment to work in line with the SSSC Codes of Practice.

Contact information

Lorraine Wakefield
Communications Manager
Scottish Social Services Council