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31 Mar 2022

Making a difference for 20 years

A new report from the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) shows the impact of the workforce regulator for social work, social care and early years since it was established. It is part of the SSSC’s 20 year anniversary activities.

SSSC corporate Workforce data

07 Dec 2021

Staff Vacancies in Care Services 2020

The Care Inspectorate and the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) have today published new figures on the levels of staff vacancies in Scotland’s social care services. It shows the level of reported vacancies in social care is more than three times that across all types of employers. 

Workforce data

06 Oct 2021

Helping the care workforce get the right skills

The demand for adult social care qualifications is set to rise dramatically over the next four years according to a new report the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) published today. 

Social service workforce Workforce data

31 Aug 2021

Scotland’s vital care workforce at highest ever

A new report shows that Scotland’s social work, social care and early years workforce is bigger than ever, employing some 209,690 people, a rise of 1.6% since 2019.

Workforce data

17 Aug 2021

2020 Mental Health Officers’ Report published

A new report on the mental health officer (MHO) workforce shows 53 extra full time MHOs are needed to meet the shortfall in the work required by local authorities.

Workforce data