Since June last year, the CPL website has helped thousands of people to access learning resources to meet their mandatory CPL requirements.
The website helps people find free resources to support their CPL and gives suggested topics and areas for development within career pathways and the core learning elements.
It’s easy to use and personalised to your career.
Start your journey by selecting your Register part, then one of eight career pathway options to find resources.
Whether you’re new to your role, want to keep your practice up to date or want to retire, the CPL website should be your first stop to find learning to suit your needs.
Core learning elements
To meet your CPL requirements, SSSC registrants must include the core learning elements relevant to their Register part, such as rights based and ethical practice and wellbeing and support.
Formal and informal learning can count towards meeting the core learning elements, however you’ll find many learning resources on the CPL website which you can work through to meet the requirements.