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unlocking potential (image)

06 Mar 2023

Careers in care Social service workforce

Celebrating Scottish Apprenticeship Week 2023

We’re supporting Scottish Apprenticeship Week by spreading the word about the vital role apprenticeships play in supporting individuals, employers and people who use social care and children and young people services in Scotland.

Social service apprenticeships are two of the most popular frameworks across Scotland and account for almost 20% of all modern apprenticeship started in the last year.

This year’s theme is Unlocking Potential which highlights how important apprenticeships are for the individual and their employers but also to the economy.

Apprenticeships allow people from diverse backgrounds and all abilities to work while training, gaining qualifications that reflect the skills and knowledge they need, alongside hands-on learning.

During this week we’ll share examples of great apprenticeship practice and opportunities, as well as highlight the information and support available for apprenticeships in social services.

You can follow the week on social media using the hashtags #ScotAppWeek23, #UnlockingPotential and #LifeChangingWork.

Our role

We manage the modern apprenticeship frameworks for Social Services and Healthcare (SSH) and Social Services (Children and Young People) (CYP) as part of our role with Skills for Care and Development. We work with employers to develop qualification structures and apprenticeship frameworks, including modern, technical and professional levels.

Why are apprenticeships important?

Apprenticeships can strengthen recruitment and career pathways throughout social services and bring financial contributions for learning and assessment.

Apprenticeships support individuals to gain core skills (numeracy/IT) or career skills and they also offer an opportunity to meet SSSC registration requirements. Within organisations, they offer the opportunity to develop workplace mentors and we have a dedicated Modern Apprenticeships resource to help you with this.

Employers in social services can access information and support on the employers section of the website.

Financial contributions for learning and assessment

Here is the contribution table for social service apprenticeship frameworks. These contributions have been extended to March 2024.

Enhanced contributions (at the 16-19 full rate) may be available to apprenticeship centres to support them to improve learning experiences for disabled apprentices and apprentices with care experience up to the age of 29 years.





Social Services and Healthcare
SCQF level 6




Social Services and Healthcare
SCQF level 7




Social Services and Healthcare
SCQF level 9




Social Services (Children and Young People)
SCQF level 7




Social Services (Children and Young People)
SCQF level 9




Care Services Leadership and Management
SCQF level 10




Our resources to support apprenticeships

We have more information about the SSSC’s role on the apprenticeships page of our website.

For more information about the role of mentoring an apprentice, you can use our Modern Apprenticeships resource.

You can see apprenticeships within career pathways on

To advertise or search for an apprenticeship vacancy visit

For more information about the role of Skills Development Scotland visit

Contact information

Nichola Stark
Communications Officer
Scottish Social Services Council