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06 Sep 2022

Consultations and surveys

Survey – What would a good and effective voice in the workplace look like for you?

We’re working with the Scottish Government and other organisations including employers and trade unions in progressing fair work in social care and we’d like to hear your views on what ‘good and effective voice’ would look like for you.

What is the survey about?

We want to get a picture of what the social care sector looks and feels like for those currently working in it. We want your views on having an effective voice and being listened to in the workplace.

What will happen as a result of the survey?

Your answers will help us shape a Fair Work Framework for the social care sector which, along with other tools and guidance, will help employers and employees determine how their workplace measures up in terms of supporting and delivering the essential elements of fair work. The framework will help capture evidence of what is working well and where improvement is needed.

The information you provide will help influence priorities for building a sector that treats workers well, listens to what people think and acts on it, and offers development opportunities to allow workers to have the careers they want, encouraged by employers through supported training.

The survey will take around 20 minutes to complete.

Take the survey here.

Contact information

Sandra Wilson
Communications Officer
Scottish Social Services Council