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16 Sep 2022

SSSC registration Employers

Are the right people set up to manage your workers’ registration on MySSSC?

It’s important that every organisation has the right people set up with access to their workers’ registration information as they are our main points of contact in all matters relating to registration.

There are three types of roles who can access your workers’ registration information. 

The lead countersignatory for your organisation has overall responsibility to make sure the right people are set up in the roles of lead countersignatory, additional countersignatory or employer access.  

Only lead countersignatories can update or end additional countersignatory and employer access roles in MySSSC. If you are an additional countersignatory or have employer access and see incorrect details in MySSSC, please tell your lead countersignatory who will then update or end the role. 

Lead countersignatories must tell us when their role ends.  

Alternatively, you can email to tell us about any changes. 

Sign in to check 

Sign into MySSSC 
Click on ‘My employees’  
Click on ‘Maintain my list of people in my organisation with employer access to MySSSC.’ 

Sign in to MySSSC here.

Contact information

Sandra Wilson
Communications Officer
Scottish Social Services Council