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15 May 2023

SSSC registration

Don’t delay - get your staff registered

As an employer, you have a responsibility to make sure your staff are registered within six months of starting their role.  

It’s beneficial for you to support workers to apply for registration as soon as they start. Staff have six months to gain registration from their start date, but it could take up to three months from applying to gain registration. 

Another reason for applying quickly is to protect the people using your service. 

We may hold fitness to practise information about a worker you have employed. The sooner we receive an application, the quicker we can make you aware of the information we hold to reduce the chance of putting your service users at risk.   

Supporting your staff through the registration process 

Many employers support their staff in various ways to make sure they are registered. Here we share what employers have told us works for their services. 

Set your own deadline 

Some employers set their own deadline of eight weeks for new workers to complete the application process to make sure they’re registered in time. 

Support new workers to complete applications 

You can support new workers to complete applications as part of their induction process.  

Make sure staff have the right information to hand when they are applying.  

Fill in part of the form, such as the part of the Register to apply, countersignatory details and the Care Inspectorate care service number. 

Tell your staff about the information available on our website and our MySSSC helpline, 0345 60 30 891. 

You can also read our guides to help employers support workers through the registration process

Help with the application fee 

Some employers pay the application fee and collect from salaries over the following month or two. 

You can find more information about your employer responsibilities on our website

Contact information

Sandra Wilson
Communications Officer
Scottish Social Services Council