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SSSC Codes of Practice 2024

01 May 2024

SSSC Codes of Practice

Your new SSSC Codes of Practice

The revised SSSC Codes of Practice for Social Service Workers and Employers (the Codes) come into effect from today, 1 May 2024.

You can read them now on the Codes web page.

Welcoming the revised Codes SSSC Interim Chief Executive, Maree Allison said: ‘The Codes let workers and employers know what is expected of them and support everyday practice by setting clear standards, behaviours and values.

‘I’d like to thank everyone we spoke to over the past two years during our engagement and consultation on the Codes, you’ve helped us to make sure the changes reflect what you think is important and current policy and practice.

‘The revised Codes mean individuals using services and their families can have confidence in care that is delivered by a trusted, skilled, confident and valued workforce.’

What’s changed?

Updated wording and a more positive, empowering tone

We have refreshed some of the wording, for example, we’ve changed ‘people who use services’ to ‘individuals’. The revised Codes aim to take a more empowering tone and use positive language.

Kindness and compassion

The revised Codes make clearer links to the Health and Social Care Standards, support our commitment to The Promise and more strongly reflect the importance of kindness, compassion and involvement in decision making.

Greater focus on relationships, trauma and risk enablement

The revised Codes reflect the importance of positive relationships as well as maintaining appropriate boundaries. We’ve added a new Code on working in a way that is informed by an understanding of the impact of trauma.

You can see the changes we've made compared to the previous 2016 Codes here.

Codes of Practice in different formats

The Codes are available to read on our website in a mobile-friendly view and there are also downloadable versions, including Adobe PDF, eReader, printer friendly and large print.

Codes products to order

Services can order a handy pocket size fold out Codes card for staff and to share with individuals using the service.

We also have postcards and A4 size posters to use at your service and in welcome and induction packs.

Services can order up to 100 fold out cards, five posters and five postcards using the form below. If you need more please email  

Order Codes products here.

The Codes and fitness to practise

The first Codes of Practice were published in 2003 and we reviewed and updated the Codes in 2016. The 2024 Codes is the third version.

In our fitness to practise work we use the Codes which were in effect when the alleged behaviour took place. For example, when considering allegations which took place before 1 May 2024, the 2016 Codes apply. In some cases, both sets of Codes might apply if some allegations took place before and some after, 1 May 2024.

Contact information

Sandra Wilson
Communications Officer
Scottish Social Services Council